We watched her change before our eyes. Our Rhyan was back and all the words she didn't speak for all this time came pouring out (and haven't stopped yet). All day long yesterday I took notice of memories being made. I would see something happen and take it as a treasure to my heart. She took off one ear to adjust it and I watched as the realization sank in. She smiled and looked up at me and said, "I can still hear!" We went to a crowded restaurant and I leaned over to tell her something. It occurred to me that I didn't have to turn her around to talk to her.
We had every intention of making it a special day for Rhyan and wanted to spend the whole day alone with her, but all she wanted was to get back to Nanny and Paw Paw and Evynn. She was missing Evy so much and I could see a love growing between sisters that will be the longest bond of their lives. When they saw each other they hugged and I watched them play in silence. Rhyan leaned close to Evynn and said, "Look, I have two ears now. It's very exciting."
Once the girls were tucked into bed, I prayed with Matt and tried to thank Jesus for what He had done. It was so difficult to say the words without breaking down, because I don't really know how to thank Him. But, I said the first of a lifetime of 'thank yous' for her two ears and we praised Him for our promise come true.
This morning, Rhyan hurriedly put on both processors. I told her I loved her, once in each ear. She hugged me tight and told me she loved me all the way to heaven and back. What more could a Mama want.
Last night while talking alone with my Jesus, I envisioned turning around and looking at this path that spans back over months and years. The path is straight, but along the way I see obstacles of fear and despair constructed with my own two hands. Then I see where my Comforter stooped down gently, quietly, and pushed them away. I see where I walked dangerously close to the edge, threatening to forge my own way, not realizing until now the cliff I narrowly avoided. And I see where He took my hand and led me lovingly back to the Center. I see where I was on my knees, weeping. Now I hear when His cries echoed mine. When I felt completely dry, I see where His tears rained down on me. Where I thought there was silence, I can hear Angels singing. Where I thought it was the darkest, I now see the most brilliant Light. And all the while, Rhyan remained cradled in His arms.
Today, I envision turning around, beginning to take the footsteps on the new leg of our journey. Our backs are straight and our hearts are strong as we cling to the robe of the Healer. With Rhyan still cradled in His arms. It's been a painfully beautiful journey. Thank you for coming along.
We love you so,The Bakers
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