Sunday, June 24, 2007

It is day 3 and we are continuing on. This morning was very challenging, but we ended the day on a fun and happy note.
When Rhyan woke up this morning, she refused to put on her new ear unless the volume was down to zero. We have four programs which progressively get 'louder'. Within the programs there are 20 levels, going to level 12 is what is recommended. This morning we started out on Program 2, Level 0. She still wasn't responding to my voice and at church, she was relying on reading lips.
Right now, nearing bedtime, she is on Program 3, Level 4 and we are so thrilled. Just a few minutes ago, she responded to my voice for the first time with her new ear. I don't know how to explain my feelings about that. I grabbed her and held her tight, and simply relaxed into the precious, precious glimmers of hope. Once again, at the close of the day, we are so very grateful. And once again, I praise my Jesus.