Tuesday, June 26, 2007

We spent the day at Sea World, hoping that the amazement and wonder of all of Rhy Rhy's favorite creatures would somehow open her up a little bit. During the dolphin show, I watched her eyes light up, but that's all we got all day. I don't remember her saying one word.

I've noticed that I treat her like she doesn't have her ear on at all. I continue to sign and mouth my words instead of speaking. I constantly have to remind myself to fold my hands and use my voice. She still isn't responding to my voice like she did Saturday night, however she was up to Program 4, Level 0 before bed. That was exciting, because she has been pretty defiant about the increases.

I continue to wait for this all to just 'click'. I know it will, but it remains frustrating and heart-breaking. I am so grateful for God's perfect timing in all this. We were so upset about the insurance fiasco and how long everything took, but if we would have tried to do this during the school year, it would have been disastrous. It really couldn't have been better timing. I'm so happy that He's the One making the decisions.
