Tuesday, April 24, 2007

As you gain an insight into who Rhyan is, I continue to worry about Little Ev being lost in the midst of it all. Graciously, God has given Evynn a personality that won't allow that happen!

We were in the waiting room at the doctor's office last week when it really occurred to me that my youngest was going to be an entertainer. Rhy was sitting quietly next to me playing with her baby doll all the while Evynn was singing at the top of her lungs, "my mama told me!!!!" (apparently an original song, as I can find no one who has heard of it!) She proceeded to twirl around on her tip toes and fall repeatedly (or dancing in Evynn world) while intermittenly holding a long note and lifting her arms in the air like a great opera singer. I tried to stop her until I realized that she had the entire office spellbound and laughing. When her name was called, she sang and danced all the way out of the waiting area. I could almost hear the applause in the laughter of her audience. I had the biggest smile as I watched her. I was unable to take my eyes off her.

On Sunday's, our tradition before church includes a breakfast of orange danishes and then we all sit around the kitchen table drawing pictures. Evynn will draw for a few minutes, and then true to Evynn personality, quickly buzzes to something else. Rhyan will stay and draw until it's time to get dressed. This past Sunday, I sat watching Rhyan silently draw a picture of herself helping Evynn with her boo boo. The sunlight was streaming through the window onto her face and she looked so amazingly beautiful. I can imagine that's how God sees her all the time. I had the biggest smile as I watched her. I was unable to take my eyes off her.

Rhyan more than has the ability to make me laugh and Evynn is the best cuddler right before bedtime, but they are their own separate little people. Having children with completely different personalities is a blessing that enables me to better understand God's ability to love us all with the same amount of delight and affection. We are all special to Him, we are all precious to Him. It warms His heart to watch His children care about each other and I can imagine that it makes Him proud to see us taking on the characteristics of His Son. I already know that He never takes His eyes off me. But how I desire, in my daily walk, to make Him smile.